Lilly Foundation Funds Creation of Virtual Curacy

Friday, January 24, 2025

Berkeley Divinity School at Yale is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $50,000 Assessment and Planning Grant from the Lilly Foundation’s Pathways for Tomorrow Program. This generous grant will support planning for the creation and development of a “Virtual Curacy” through Berkeley’s Transforming Leaders program. The Virtual Curacy will address the critical shortage of traditional curacy and apprenticeship opportunities for newly ordained Episcopal clergy. Several bishops have been involved as thought partners and will continue to partner with Berkeley in the creation of this program, which seeks to envision what clergy formation can and must entail in the 21st century.

Brandon Nappi

We are profoundly grateful to the Lilly Foundation for this significant grant. The Virtual Curacy program is an extension of our longstanding commitment to nurturing the next generation of Episcopal leaders, and this funding will enable us to enhance and expand our support for new clergy at a critical time in their formation.

Dr. Brandon Nappi, Executive Director of Leadership Programs

Andrew McGowan

We are eager to partner with bishops and diocesan leaders to support newly ordained clergy who increasingly serve in places without the mentoring and formation they need in their critical first few years of ministry.

The Very Rev’d Dr. Andrew McGowan, Dean and President