Worship and the Berkeley Rule of Life

worship in St Luke's Chapel

Evening Prayer at St. Luke’s Chapel in the Berkeley Center

In a seminary context, attention to the spiritual life goes hand-in-hand with formal academic study. The spiritual and academic life reinforce one another. 

The core of spiritual formation at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale is daily, public, corporate prayer. This serves as the backbone of spiritual formation and a teaching tool for liturgical celebration. Students work in Chapel Teams to practice leading all aspects of worship, including preparing services, leading worship, and preaching.

Berkeley students are required to abide by the Berkeley Rule of Life. Participating in the worship life of Berkeley includes:

  • Participating in daily morning prayer at 7:30 am Monday-Friday
  • Participating in the Community Eucharist on Wednesday evenings
  • Spiritual direction through the Annand Program

In addition to this pattern of worship, the Berkeley Rule of life addresses institutional identity, academic life, personal character, life in community, mission and service, reconciliation, vocation and leadership, assessment, and life after seminary.

Weekly Worship Schedule: Term Time

Day Time Service Location
Monday 7:30 am Morning Prayer with Eucharist St. Luke’s Chapel, Berkeley Center
  5:30 pm Evening Prayer Niebuhr Hall, Sterling Divinity Quadrangle
Tuesday 7:30 am Sung Morning Prayer with Eucharist St. Luke’s Chapel, Berkeley Center
Wednesday 7:30 am Virtual Morning Prayer Zoom (link distributed by Chapel Ministers)
  6:00 pm Community Eucharist Marquand Chapel, Sterling Divinity Quadrangle
  followed by Community Dinner (provided by Hospitality Ministers) Berkeley Center
Thursday 7:30 am Morning Prayer with Eucharist St. Luke’s Chapel, Berkeley Center
  5:30 pm Evening Prayer Nouwen Chapel, Sterling Divinity Quadrangle
Friday 7:30 am Sung Morning Prayer St. Luke’s Chapel, Berkeley Center