Programs of Study

Seminarians earn certifications in Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School alongside their master’s degrees from Yale Divinity School and/or the Yale Institute of Sacred Music.

Sample Class Schedule

Most Berkeley students are MDiv students who can follow the “Berkeley grid” to choose their classes.

Download the Berkeley Grid (file download)

Certifications in Anglican Studies

Diplomas in Anglican Studies are earned alongside MDiv degrees. They are earned by 

  • Participating in the worship life of Berkeley
  • Completing 3 required courses:
    • Rel. 662 The Anglican Way I
    • Rel. 663 The Anglican Way II
    • Rel. 687 Books of Common Prayer: Anglican Liturgy in History, Theology, and Practice
  • Completing all 5 semesters of the Berkeley colloquium series (Rel. 3792-3794)
    • This includes every spring semester, the junior fall, and the senior fall.
  • Participating in the Annand Program for Spiritual Formation
  • Completing the canonically required middler evaluation

Certificates in Anglican Studies are earned alongside MAR and STM degrees.

They are earned by

  • Participating in the worship life of Berkeley
  • Completing at least 3 courses directly related to Anglicanism, such as
    • Rel. 662 The Anglican Way I
    • Rel. 663 The Anglican Way II
    • Rel. 687 Books of Common Prayer: Anglican Liturgy in History, Theology and Practice

Participating in Berkeley’s Life of Worship

A Berkeley certification in Anglican Studies includes the requirement to participate in Berkeley’s life of worship.


The Master of Divinity degree (MDiv)

The MDiv typically takes 3 years to complete. Most Berkeley students are pursuing an MDiv.

This is a professional degree intended for students preparing for ministry. Courses span the range of theological disciplines. 

The MDiv includes requirements for supervised ministry. This includes one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) and a year-long field education internship. Many students do a second year-long internship. More information is available through the Office of Supervised Ministry.

Berkeley students have ample opportunity for internships in a wide variety of church, school, prison, and other ministry settings. In New Haven and other cities within commuting distance, students can find parishes representing every variety of the Episcopal tradition, from inner-city Anglo-Catholic, to traditional low-church, to evangelical, to large suburban “corporate sized” churches. Some students choose to do field work in New York City in order to experience the intensity of urban church life. Others choose to do summer internships, either locally or elsewhere in the Episcopal Church or wider Anglican Communion.

Berkeley students who earn an MDiv from YDS/ISM earn a Diploma in Anglican Studies from Berkeley.

The Master of Arts in Religion degree (MAR)

The MAR typically takes 2 years to complete. The MAR is designed for those seeking lay leadership or academic work. MAR students can choose a comprehensive degree or a degree with an academic concentration (upon approval).

Berkeley students who earn an MAR from YDS/ISM earn a Certificate in Anglican Studies from Berkeley.

The Master of Sacred Theology degree (STM)

The STM typically takes 1 year to complete. For Berkeley students, this is sometimes called “the Anglican Year.” This degree is designed for those who already have extensive theological education.

Berkeley students who earn an STM from YDS/ISM earn a Certificate in Anglican Studies from Berkeley.