Berkeley Divinity School at Yale Welcomes Applications to the 3rd Cohort of The Leader’s Way Program
Theodicy Jazz Collective leads fellows in song.
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale is welcoming applications for the third cohort of The Leader’s Way. The certificate program is designed for Episcopal clergy and lay leaders to engage in spiritual renewal and innovative project development. While the program is designed for Episcopalian leaders, all church leaders are welcome to apply: lay and ordained, Episcopalian and otherwise. This year, the newly renovated Berkeley Center will serve as the programmatic home for The Leader’s Way for the first time, providing a state-of-the-art facility for its activities.
The Leader’s Way program recognizes the urgent challenges facing the Church and the world today, including the climate crisis, racial injustice, epidemic loneliness, and the challenge many face to find faith relevant to daily life. These issues offer profound opportunities for reflection, reimagination, and recommitment at one of the world’s great universities.
The Leader’s Way was incredibly transformational and inspirational for my role as a ministry leader. I feel excited to return to my congregation equipped with new knowledge, skills, and relationships that can help us start a program in our parish that will allow us to explore deeper who God is calling us to be.
Maria Hartz, St. Mark’s and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Rochester, NY

Dr. Westina Matthews’ mentor group gets to know each other in a Yale dining hall.
The Leader’s Way Week in Residence: An Extraordinary Community of Innovators at Yale
The Leader’s Way Fellows are an extraordinary group of innovators and visionaries committed to transforming the world with the power of the Gospel. This unique program begins with an immersive five-day residential experience at Yale in June. Participants will learn from esteemed Yale faculty and visiting luminaries, benefiting from a rich educational environment.
For the second year in a row, Theodicy Jazz Collective, under the direction of the Rev’d Dr. Andrew Barnett, will be leading the group in its worship music throughout the week, bringing the sustaining vibrancy they have become known for in The Episcopal Church.
Among the depth of wisdom from the presenters, the insight of the other Fellows, and the dynamic worship, the Leader’s Way helped me catch a glimpse of where God might be leading the Church.
Michael Tuck, Trinity Church and St. Helena’s Chapel, Lenox, MA

The Berkeley Center.
The Leader’s Way Home: Newly Renovated Berkeley Center
The newly renovated Berkeley Center will be the programmatic home for The Leader’s Way. With the recent completion of a donor-funded $6 million renovation, this state-of-the-art facility embodies our commitment to providing place-based theological education, spiritual formation, innovative learning, and community building. What was once a basement is now a bustling garden level with three offices, a student lounge, a study room, a small prayer chapel to complement the larger St. Luke’s Chapel, and a 2,400-square-foot patio.

Fellow Robin Soller spending time with a Jonathan Edwards manuscript in Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
The Leader’s Way Online: Ongoing Learning and Community
Following the week in residence, the learning journey continues with monthly online workshops designed to deepen understanding through active practice. These workshops will focus on essential topics such as prayer, resilience, and adaptive leadership, all aimed at meeting the ongoing demands of ministry and guarding against burnout.
Fellows will also meet monthly in mentor-led peer groups. Each fellow develops an Innovative Ministry project to meet an adaptive leadership challenge from their current ministry. Mentor groups provide support and guidance for their projects as well as their larger ministries.
When fellows complete The Leader’s Way, they receive a Yale certificate.

Brandon Nappi leading a session on The Inner Work of Innovation at the week in residence.
Application Information
Applications for The Leader’s Way program are now open. Clergy and lay leaders who feel called to innovation and transformation in ministry are encouraged to apply.
Tuition is $3500. Berkeley Divinity School will award a very limited amount of half scholarships, primarily to those Episcopal clergy who can demonstrate significant financial need. Most fellows pay tuition from personal funds, church continuing education allowances, or diocesan and denominational sources.
To apply or learn more about The Leader’s Way program, you can learn more online or contact Brandon Nappi, DMin at Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early submission is recommended to secure a place in the program.