The Rev'd Dr William Lamb to Give Cheney Lectures

Convocation 2024 will take place in October. Part of Convocation is a lecture, and Berkeley Divinity School at Yale is proud to announce this year’s Cheney Lecturer.
The Cheney Lecturer will be the Rev’d Dr William Lamb, Vicar of the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, University of Oxford. He will speak on “Conscience and Character.” The lecture will consider ministry formation and will draw on the legacy of St John Henry Newman. This is especially fitting for two reasons: John Henry Newman’s ordination took place 200 years ago this year. John Henry Newman is also one of Dr Lamb’s predecessors at St Mary’s and was a pioneer of the Oxford Movement.
Dr Lamb studied theology at Oxford before ordination training for ordination at Westcott House in Cambridge. He has been a parish priest, a university chaplain, and a Canon Residentiary of Sheffield Cathedral. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Sheffield in 2009. In 2010, he became the Vice-Principal of Westcott House and Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, where he taught New Testament Studies.
He was appointed to the University Church, which has served Oxford University since the 12th century, in 2017. His is author of books including Scripture: A Guide for the Perplexed (Bloomsbury, 2013). A member of the Oxford Faculty of Theology and Religion and a Fellow of Harris Manchester College, he is also the Chair of the St Augustine’s Foundation, which funds theological education in the Anglican Communion.